Carmichael 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer

Dan McCrary' | McCrary Accident Injury Law Firm

Our trusted Carmichael 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer are here to help you get Maximum Compensation

According to a report by FMCA, in the year 2018, California faced as many as 5000 18-wheeler accident cases in different states and cities. Carmichael is also one such location that has been witnessing several 18-wheeler accident cases from time to time. When such an accident takes place, it becomes extremely essential for the victims to get in touch with a proper Carmichael 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer.

According to the records, one in ten such accidents are reported as serious and fatal. Whether it is an accident by a truck or a massive bus, the victim will suffer serious injuries mostly. Also, there are cases where the victim has died in such an accident. Thus, to deal with the losses and the injury compensations, it gets extremely essential for the victims to get in touch with an experienced Carmichael 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer for sure.

Usually, massive buses and commercial tractor-trailers are counted in 18 Wheeler vehicles that may weigh about 80,000 pounds on average. So, when these vehicles collide with passenger vehicles such as cars and motorbikes, it causes massive destruction and fatal injuries. While some serious injuries can be brain damage or multiple fractures of bones, such accidents can even lead to death. If you have been a sufferer of such an accident, you should not delay and should get the help and support of an 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer in Carmichael urgently.

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How do 18 Wheeler Accidents happen ?

In the year 2021, famous television star Tracy Morgan faced a massive 18 Wheeler accident in New Jersey after which he has to spend a year in rehab to get recovered from several injuries. The tractor-trailer that hit his limo was on duty at Walmart and on investigation, it was found that the driver was speeding and also was awake for more than 24 hours. Morgan received a compensation amount of $90M from Walmart. Hence, it is big learning that victims of 18 Wheeler Accidents should contact an 18 Wheeler Accident lawyer after such cases.

There can be several reasons that can cause such accidents.

Negligence of Truck Drivers

One of the major reasons that the 18 Wheeler Accident lawyers have to deal with is the negligence of truck drivers. For example, in the Morgan case, the tractor-trailer driver was driving for more than 24 hours. There are many such similar drivers who may compromise rest and sleep just to deliver items before the provided time.

Apart from such negligence, there are also many drivers who may drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It is essential to get in touch with an 18 Wheeler Accident lawyer not just to get the right reason for the accident but also to get compensation accordingly.

Inhuman Delivery Schedules

It is not always necessary that accidents will take place due to the negligence of the truck drivers. There are also times when these drivers are provided delivery schedules in which speeding becomes a necessity. In such a case, it is the company under which the driver is working that is responsible for the accident and to deal with such a case, you will have to get help from an 18 Wheeler Accident lawyer in Carmichael.

Irregular Truck Maintenance

Trucks are manufactured to be rough and tough for all situations. But this does not mean that these giant vehicles cannot have problems in it. Hence, it is always essential that you get the maintenance of the vehicles done on a regular basis. But if the driver is not taking care of the tractor-truck, then it can cause disaster due to somehow problems in the brake or some other issues. This case can get confusing and the best way is to get in touch with a proper 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer to deal with such a scenario.

Why should I hire a Carmichael 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer ?

When an 18 wheeler vehicle such as a freight truck hits your vehicle, chances are high that the damages will be huge. You will have to face pain and also financial expenses in medical treatment. But when you get in touch with an 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer, the lawyer will help you in claiming compensation for all these losses as well as compensation for the pain and suffering that you have faced.

Also, facing insurance companies for compensation claims can get difficult because of the tricks that these insurance agents make use of in order to save money. A Carmichael 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer is the perfect person who not just calculates the right claim but also helps in getting the claim settled by having a proper debate with the insurance agents.

How soon can you file a claim?

It is essential that you get in touch with a Carmichael 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer at the earliest so that you do not lose your rights. According to Californian Law, you can claim compensation only within 2 years from the date of the accident. So, even when you are admitted to the hospital and are not in the condition to do anything, you should get help from a Carmichael 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer for your compensation process so that you do not have to face difficulties caused due to delay.

Carmichael 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer

Carmichael 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer Have you or anyone whom you know have got recently been injured in an 18 Wheeler accident? Do not consider yourself alone as you can get all your rights by contacting the best 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer in Carmichael.

We are a team of the best 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer experts in town who have been professionally offering help and support to clients for a long time. Our experts offer consultancy services as well as provide the right support for your claim settlement.

If you have been a part of such a mishappen, just let us know through a call and we will reach out to you with our best 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyers to provide you the right consultation and quote for the services that we are going to offer you in your case.



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