It’s extremely important to find a good workers’ comp lawyer to receive fair compensation for your injury. However, we also know it’s difficult to find the best lawyer to tell you the truth, maintain transparency, and guide you through the process.
But don’t worry, as we’re here to help out in this matter. We don’t want you to rely on any lawyer regarding workers’ compensation because we’ll share information about the points most lawyers don’t disclose (or hide).
So, let’s get into the details and find out what workers’ comp lawyers won’t tell you. After learning these points, you’ll have good knowledge about your case, and you can hire a better lawyer and get fair compensation.
8 Important Points No Worker Comp Lawyers Tell
Here’s a list of the points you, as the client, should know, but unfortunately, not many lawyers disclose. Let’s find out so you can make informed decisions.
1. You Don’t Have To Accept Compensation
The first and most important point is you don’t have to accept the compensation the insurer is offering until you’re satisfied with it. In most cases, when you go for workers’ compensation, the insurer often begins by offering low compensation.
They may try to blame you instead of the employer for the injury, which often leads to the victim accepting a lesser amount. Not many lawyers tell their clients that they can ask for more compensation based on their loss.
2. Who’ll Be Handling Your Case
You should also know who will be handling your case. Remember, choosing a good workers’ comp lawyer is extremely important, but sometimes the lawyer you’ve hired after much research gives the case to another lawyer in the firm.
What will you do if that happens and the other lawyer fails to represent your case correctly? To avoid this type of situation, always discuss who will handle your case till the end of the hiring process.
3. Delays and Expectations
Not all lawyers tell you there can be delays and that what you expect might not be achieved. Workers’ compensation cases can drag on for months or even years, depending on the complexity of your case and the tactics used by the insurance company.
So you really need to discuss how long the case will go on and what your chances are of getting the compensation you want. Transparency from the beginning can help you choose the right lawyer and receive fair compensation.