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Getting A Ticket Days After An Accident [What To Do Next?]

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Getting A Ticket Days After An Accident [What To Do Next?]

By  Dan McCrary | July 15, 2024

Can you get a ticket days after an accident? This is indeed an important question that comes to mind after getting into an accident. The answer is yes; it’s possible to get tickets or citations issued days, or even weeks, after an accident.

It happens because police sometimes find out about traffic violations days later, usually while doing research about the incident. When they discover there was a traffic violation, the accused gets a ticket.

The tickets can be issued for many reasons, which we’ll discuss below in detail. We’ll also answer what you can do after getting a ticket, whether you need a lawyer’s help or can sort out the matter yourself. Let’s find out!

How Long After An Accident Can A Citation Be Issued In California?

To be honest, there’s no specific time frame in California. You may get citations days, weeks, or even months after an accident. The timing depends on several factors, such as the complexity of the accident investigation and the workload of the law enforcement agency handling your case.

However, in many states, the laws are different. For example, if you’re in DC (District of Columbia), there will be no fine or penalty after ten years. So, it’s best to check your state’s statute of limitations for traffic citations. 

Reasons Why Traffic Tickets Are Issued

There are many traffic violations that can be the reason for tickets; the most common ones are: 

  • Overspeeding: Driving faster than the speed limit.
  • Traffic Light Violations: Running red lights or ignoring traffic signals.
  • Failing To Signal: Not using turn signals to indicate your intentions to other drivers.
  • Drunk Driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • No Insurance Coverage: Driving without valid insurance.
  • No Driving License: Operating a vehicle without a valid driver’s license.

If someone is found violating the laws above,  even after weeks of accidents, law enforcement agencies will take appropriate action, including issuing tickets and potentially pursuing further legal consequences.

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Are You At-Fault If You Get A Ticket In An Accident?

It’s a common misconception among people that if they get a ticket in an accident, they’ll be considered at-fault drivers. Being at fault means a driver who caused the accident is liable to pay compensation to the other driver.

In reality, this isn’t always true! Tickets don’t automatically make a person guilty of the accident. They are issued because someone violated traffic rules. Violating traffic rules is a separate issue from determining fault in an accident.

The fault is determined based on factors like negligence, actions leading to the accident, and whether you were following traffic laws at the time of the incident. Sometimes, both drivers receive citations. 

For example, one might get a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt, while the other might get a ticket for underage driving.

Obviously, if the accident was caused by an underage driver due to inexperience and lack of knowledge, receiving a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt won’t make you responsible for causing the accident. 

What To Do After Getting Tickets For Traffic Violations?

There are a few things you can do after getting tickets for traffic violations. The first option is accepting the mistake and paying the fine. This is the best option if you are truly at fault and want to resolve the matter quickly.

The second option is to go to a lawyer if you’re wrongly accused and discuss the matter with them. However, hiring a lawyer may not be necessary for smaller fines, as it could be more expensive than the fine itself.

A lawyer is recommended for cases when the traffic violation is going in favor of the at-fault driver, and they’re using the tickets to decrease the compensation amount. In this case, a lawyer can help you, as they’ll provide advice and support in dealing with legal challenges.

Final Thoughts

You can get a ticket days after an accident, as there's no statute of limitation for traffic violation fines in California. However, accepting it or challenging it is your choice. You can accept the ticket and pay the fine or challenge it if you think you're wrongly accused.

If you need more information, feel free to contact our experienced lawyers. They'll help you understand the traffic laws and how you can protect yourself from serious lawsuits.

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    Excluded Driver Gets In An Accident [What Happens Next?]

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    Excluded Driver Gets In An Accident [What Happens Next?]

    By  Dan McCrary | July 13, 2024

    Money is one of the biggest issues most car owners face after a car accident. Everything from hospital bills to car repairs to compensation for the other driver requires a significant amount.

    An auto insurance policy can help alleviate these costs, but the situation becomes complicated if an excluded driver is involved. An excluded driver is someone listed explicitly on the insurance policy as not covered.

    If they get into an accident, the insurance company will likely deny any claims, leaving the car owner fully responsible for all expenses. If you want to know what happens in this situation, read this guide, as we’ll answer what happens if an excluded driver gets into an accident.

    What Does An Excluded Driver Mean On Insurance?

    When you insure a car, the insurance company asks for a list of all the licensed drivers in the household who may drive it. The insurance company compensates for the loss if the car gets into an accident with one of these listed drivers behind the wheel.

    However, there’s an issue: the insurance company may decide not to include someone from your family in the list due to their poor record of accidents or traffic violations. Sometimes, the policyholders may choose to exclude a family member from the list.

    The person excluded in these situations is considered an “excluded driver,” meaning they are not allowed to drive that vehicle. If they do, the insurance company will not be liable to pay for any loss.

    What Happens If An Excluded Driver Gets In An Accident?

    So, what happens if an excluded driver gets in an accident in California? In this type of situation, the insurance company won’t cover the loss because the driver was specifically excluded from the policy coverage.

    This leaves only one solution: paying out of pocket. The person behind the wheel or the car’s owner will have to cover the expenses, including medical bills, car repairs, and any compensation for the other driver.

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    This can result in significant financial hardship and legal issues for the excluded driver and potentially for the car owner.

    Can Excluded Drivers Get Their Car Insurance Policy?

    Yes, excluded drivers can get their own car insurance policy. However, this will be difficult because the insurance company reviews the driver’s profile before issuing insurance.

    The more risky the driver seems, based on past accidents or traffic violations, the higher the premiums. Some insurance companies may even refuse coverage if the driver’s record is too poor.

    Therefore, while it is possible, excluded drivers should be prepared for potentially high costs and difficulty finding an insurer willing to cover them.

    How To Remove An Excluded Driver?

    The process is pretty simple if you want to remove an excluded driver from the insurance policy. You need to communicate with the insurer about the issue that you want to remove a person from the excluded driver list and again add them to the coverage.

    Just keep in mind that you may need to provide additional information or documentation to support your request. The insurer may review the driving history of the excluded driver and assess any potential risk before making a decision.

    One more important point: if the excluded person still has a bad record, they’ll be considered a risky driver. Insurance companies offer insurance services to risky drivers with high premiums, much more than the average rate.

    Final Thoughts

    In short, if an excluded driver gets in an accident, they must pay for the loss out of pocket because they were excluded from the insurance policy. This may be because the policyholder excluded them or the insurance company didn't add them.

    Whatever the reason, having no insurance coverage can cost the driver a lot, especially if they're at fault, as they also have to pay compensation to the other driver. The other driver can also file lawsuits, which can be a big problem.

    If you need more help with insurance policy issues or car accidents, feel free to contact our car accident lawyers. Our team is available 24/7 to assist with legal matters.

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      Can I Sue My Employer For Not Reporting My Injury? Learn Now!

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      Can I Sue My Employer For Not Reporting My Injury? Learn Now!

      By  Dan McCrary | July 10, 2024

      Are you also thinking, “Can I sue my employer for not reporting my injury?” Normally, when someone gets injured at a place due to other negligence, the injured person can sue for personal injury. However, the situation is different when it comes to employers. 

      When you’re injured at work, the rules usually focus on workers’ compensation laws, not suing your employer directly. These laws in California are there to help employees get compensation for work-related injuries without having to prove fault.

      The issue is sometimes employers don’t even bother to report the injury, leading to no compensation. So, what can you do in this situation? What are the solutions you have? Let’s find out the answers to all these questions!

      Can You Sue An Employer For Not Reporting An Injury?

      Yes, you can seek legal help if your employer isn’t reporting a work-related injury. However, it’s important to understand that legal help can’t be in the form of a personal injury claim. This is because employers generally can’t be sued for personal injury (except in certain cases).

      But that doesn’t mean you have no options. As an employee in California, you have rights, and employers have some responsibilities. One of these responsibilities is to ensure that the injured worker gets compensation, which is only possible if the employer acts responsibly.

      If your employer isn’t acting responsibly—such as delaying providing the claim form, not forwarding the claim form, or not having worker’s compensation insurance—you can take legal action.

      What Will Happen If Employers Do Not Report Injury?

      If an employer does not report an employee’s injury, there are two possibilities: either the employer does not have insurance coverage or is unwilling to provide compensation. In both situations, the employer is acting irresponsibly and incorrectly.

      Due to this irresponsibility and failure to provide workers’ compensation, you may have the option to sue them in court to seek the compensation and justice you deserve. Once the case is in court, the judge will decide whether the employer is at fault or not.

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      To win the case, it’s important to include all relevant details, such as the responsibilities your employer has failed to perform. We’ll list these responsibilities below so you can make the right decision.

      Employer’s Duty of Care According To California Law

      Here’s a brief overview of the employer’s duty of care. Remember, it’s based on the state laws of California; rules can be different in your state. So, make sure to do proper research about state laws before you go for any legal procedure.

      • Worker Compensation: The first responsibility of the employer in California is to have workers’ compensation insurance. Any employer who doesn’t insure their workers violates the law, so you can sue them. Besides insurance, it’s also the employer’s responsibility to ensure employees know their rights. Employers can share pamphlets regarding worker compensation rights or place them wherever employees can see them.
      • Worker Compensation Form: After the injury, the employer must provide a workers’ compensation claim form within one working day of the injury. They must also forward the claim form with the injury report to the claim’s administrator.
      • After Claim Approval: Upon approval of your claim, the employer must authorize up to $10,000 for appropriate medical treatment within one day. They must also offer transitional work (light duty) when suitable for your recovery.

      If your employer isn’t performing their duties as they should be, you have the right to take the issue to court. You can get legal help from our experienced lawyers; there’s no fee for the first-time consultation.

      Final Thoughts

      The answer to “Can I sue my employer for not reporting my injury?” is yes. However, it’s only possible if your employer isn’t performing its duties as required by California law.

      For more assistance regarding this issue, contact McCrary firm lawyers. Our experienced team will come to you because we understand how traumatic it can be to go office to office with an injury when you should be resting for legal guidance.

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        8 Points Worker Comp Lawyers Never Tell (BUT YOU SHOULD KNOW!)

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        8 Points Worker Comp Lawyers Never Tell (BUT YOU SHOULD KNOW!)

        By  Dan McCrary | July 6, 2024

        It’s extremely important to find a good workers’ comp lawyer to receive fair compensation for your injury. However, we also know it’s difficult to find the best lawyer to tell you the truth, maintain transparency, and guide you through the process.

        But don’t worry, as we’re here to help out in this matter. We don’t want you to rely on any lawyer regarding workers’ compensation because we’ll share information about the points most lawyers don’t disclose (or hide).

        So, let’s get into the details and find out what workers’ comp lawyers won’t tell you. After learning these points, you’ll have good knowledge about your case, and you can hire a better lawyer and get fair compensation.

        8 Important Points No Worker Comp Lawyers Tell

        Here’s a list of the points you, as the client, should know, but unfortunately, not many lawyers disclose. Let’s find out so you can make informed decisions.

        1. You Don’t Have To Accept Compensation

        The first and most important point is you don’t have to accept the compensation the insurer is offering until you’re satisfied with it. In most cases, when you go for workers’ compensation, the insurer often begins by offering low compensation.

        They may try to blame you instead of the employer for the injury, which often leads to the victim accepting a lesser amount. Not many lawyers tell their clients that they can ask for more compensation based on their loss.

        2. Who’ll Be Handling Your Case

        You should also know who will be handling your case. Remember, choosing a good workers’ comp lawyer is extremely important, but sometimes the lawyer you’ve hired after much research gives the case to another lawyer in the firm.

        What will you do if that happens and the other lawyer fails to represent your case correctly? To avoid this type of situation, always discuss who will handle your case till the end of the hiring process.

        3. Delays and Expectations

        Not all lawyers tell you there can be delays and that what you expect might not be achieved. Workers’ compensation cases can drag on for months or even years, depending on the complexity of your case and the tactics used by the insurance company.

        So you really need to discuss how long the case will go on and what your chances are of getting the compensation you want. Transparency from the beginning can help you choose the right lawyer and receive fair compensation. 

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        4. Strategies To Maximize Your Compensation

        There are not many lawyers who give their best to the client. Most lawyers focus more on getting more cases than guiding clients. They don’t tell the strategies that can be used to maximize your compensation.

        For example, you can ask for compensation for loss of income, emotional and physical pain, disability (if any), etc. We suggest a detailed session with your lawyer about maximizing your compensation.

        5. You Can Interview Your Lawyer

        You have the right to interview your lawyer before making any commitments. Ask about their strategy for your case, expected timeline, and fee structure.

        Don’t hesitate to inquire about their expertise in similar cases. You should also discuss the success rate of their past cases and many other relevant questions. This interview process ensures you find a lawyer who’s the right fit for your needs.

        6. What Does Worker Compensation Cover

        Your lawyer may not go into such details as guiding you on what workers’ compensation is and what it covers. Still, you should always remember that workers’ compensation isn’t only about medical bills.

        It covers everything from hospital bills, medications, missed wages, temporary or permanent disability benefits, and even family death benefits. This is why it’s important to discuss your loss with your lawyer in detail so they can tell you what fair compensation is.

        7. You Can Always Find A New Legal Representative

        If you’re unsatisfied with your current lawyer, you can change your legal representation. You can do this anytime—just make sure to review your contract for any clauses about changing lawyers.

        McCrary Law Firm also has experienced workers’ compensation lawyers. We don’t charge anything for the first consultation, so feel free to contact our team if your current legal representative isn’t the right choice.

        8. You May Need To Testify

        Some attorneys don’t prepare their clients for the possibility of having to testify. If your case goes to a hearing, you might need to give testimony about your injury and how it has affected your life.

        While this process is necessary and can help the judge better understand your case, it can also be stressful to recall and describe the painful events of your injury.

        Final Thoughts

        We’ve explained all the important points that workers’ comp lawyers won’t tell you so you can be aware of everything. It will also help you find the right lawyer, as any lawyer who doesn’t go through these points might just be interested in getting a case, not listening to your problem.

        If you have any other problems or questions regarding workers’ compensation, you can contact our team anytime, 24/7. We don’t charge anything for consultation and will come to you (if you’re unable to come because of injury).

        Call or Text Us Now (855) 752-6326

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          What Does A Car Accident Lawyer Do? A Detailed Guide!

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          What Does A Car Accident Lawyer Do? A Detailed Guide!

          By  Dan McCrary | May 25, 2024

          You can file a claim in case of a car accident without help from a lawyer, but is it advisable? The short answer is NO! Research shows that people who hire lawyers receive better compensation – to be precise, around 3.5 times more than those who don’t.

          This difference isn’t a coincidence. Experienced lawyers are familiar with all the ins and outs of the law, skilled in negotiating with insurers, and knowledgeable about determining the appropriate settlement amount, which leads to securing larger settlements.

          That’s why legal experts universally recommend hiring a lawyer for accident cases. To help you make the decisions, we’ll discuss what a car accident lawyer does. So, let’s get into the details without further ado!

          What Is The Role of A Car Accident Lawyer? Brief Overview

          The main role of a car accident lawyer is to provide legal assistance from the beginning (right after the accident) to the end of the case. You can consult with a lawyer about your case, and they’ll advise you on the best course of action, including what type of claim is valid in your case.

          Besides guiding the claim, car accident lawyers provide insights into what evidence you need to strengthen your claim. They’ll skillfully negotiate with insurers about the compensation amount with strong evidence.

          Thanks to their negotiation and case-handling skills, the insurer must provide rightful compensation for the claim, which usually doesn’t happen. When there’s no lawyer, insurers usually try to blame you to reduce the settlement amount.

          6 Ways A Car Accident Lawyer Helps Accident Victim

          Below are the six ways a car accident lawyer helps accident victims.

          1. Legal Guidance & Expertise

          The most important job of a car accident lawyer is providing legal guidance. Not everyone is well-versed in the intricacies of the law or knows which claims to pursue following an accident, and that’s where a lawyer can help.

          A lawyer would assess your case and assist with what claims are valid for your accident case. Their expertise ensures you’re on the right path to acquiring compensation for the loss.

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          2. Case Evaluation and Strategy

          After taking on a case, the next step for a lawyer is conducting a comprehensive evaluation and creating a strategic plan. Lawyers examine every aspect of the case, from gathering evidence to how much you were involved in the case and so forth.

          Afterwards, they devise a strategic plan specifically for your case. For instance, you need to know what evidence you need and how you can get that evidence, and you need to interview the witnesses to achieve the best possible outcome.

          3. Maximizing Compensation

          One of the common issues we’ve noticed in car accident claims handled without a lawyer is that drivers often lack awareness of the full scope of compensation. Sometimes, they may only request compensation for vehicle damage and medical expenses.

          However, according to the law, you can seek compensation for various damages, including pain and suffering and loss of income.  This won’t happen if you have an experienced lawyer, as they know what to include to maximize the compensation.

          4. Navigating Insurance Processes

          Lawyers also assist in navigating the insurance process, which is where many individuals fail. The insurers who oversee the claims are skilled at finding loopholes and using them to reduce compensation.

          If you don’t have a lawyer by your side, you’ll be unable to negotiate with the insurer and might agree to the low compensation. However, this isn’t the case with a lawyer, as they ensure to protect your rights and secure fair compensation for the loss.

          5. Evidence Gathering and Preservation

          Evidence gathering and its preservation are important tasks in car accident claim cases. The case outcome depends on your investigation and the evidence you collect, yet many individuals stumble at this crucial stage due to their limited knowledge.

          They’re unsure what evidence to look for and how it can strengthen their case. However, with an experienced lawyer, this process becomes much easier. Your lawyer not only assists you in finding the evidence but also guides you about its relevance in supporting your claim.

          6. Litigation Representation

          Litigation representation isn’t necessary in all cases, as many accident cases are resolved outside of court; there are instances where legal action becomes unavoidable. This typically occurs when insurers refuse to provide the compensation you want.

          While it’s possible to represent yourself in court, enlisting a lawyer’s expertise is strongly recommended. A skilled attorney brings invaluable experience to the table and advocates for you in the courtroom, working tirelessly to secure a favorable outcome.

          What Does A Car Accident Lawyer Do? Final Thoughts

          In summary, a car accident lawyer plays a crucial role in helping accident victims. They provide important legal advice, help maximize compensation, and guide you through the complexities of dealing with insurance companies.

          By hiring a car accident lawyer, you can navigate the legal process more effectively and work towards a fair outcome for your case. You can fill our form for a complimentary consultation. Our team will promptly reach out to schedule a meeting at your convenience.

          Call or Text Us Now (855) 752-6326

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            A Comprehensive List of Reasons To Sue Someone

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            A Comprehensive List of Reasons To Sue Someone

            By  Dan McCrary | May 19, 2024

            Legal disputes can be complicated, especially if you’re unsure which lawsuits are valid for your case. In this scenario, you may need to research the list of reasons to sue someone to find the answer. But worry not! 

            We’ve put together this guide to explain the most common reasons for which you can sue someone. These reasons apply to various situations, including property disputes, defamation charges, injury, permanent disability, emotional distress, etc.

            So, are you looking for justice? Let’s dive in and find out which path leads you toward achieving the justice you’re seeking.

            The Top 10 Reasons To Sue Someone 

            Below are the top ten reasons to sue someone. Remember, this is only a general overview; it’s best to consult your case with a lawyer for better guidance about which lawsuits are valid for your case. 

            1. Property Disputes

            One of the most common reasons for a legal dispute is property issues. There are countless reasons that can set the ground for a property dispute, such as disagreements with siblings about property rights. 

            Besides that, disputes with neighbors over matters like boundaries or anything that can potentially harm your property or family are also valid reasons. Also, a person who’s a victim of real estate fraud has the right to sue. 

            2. Lawsuits For Defamation 

            Defamation involves false statements, whether in written form or orally, with the intention to harm someone’s reputation in society. In any case, if someone has done this to you, a defamation lawsuit is your right. 

            Keep in mind that you must have strong evidence to prove your claim. Without evidence, you’ll not be able to recover compensatory damage. It’s also important to check the statute of limitations. In California (CA Civ Pro Code § 340), it’s one year after the slander took place. 

            3. Breach of Contract 

            Breach of the contract simply means when one or more parties that are involved in the contract fail to follow the contract. In this type of situation, the non-breaching party can sue the party that didn’t adhere to the contract rules.  

            The court then decides whether the lawsuit is valid. Upon confirming the validity, the court orders the breaching party to pay the damages to the non-breaching party. This ensures that the non-breaching party is compensated for its loss.

            4. Personal Injury 

            If you’ve suffered an injury due to someone’s negligence, whether because of a car accident, at a party, or anywhere, you’re entitled to compensation. The compensation is possible through a personal injury lawsuit. 

            Remember that there’s a time limit for personal injury cases, which varies from one year to several years, depending on the state. The statute of limitations in California, Texas, and Florida is two years from the accident date. In Louisiana, it’s one year; in Arkansas, it’s three years.

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            5. Emotional Suffering  

            Emotional suffering may not be visible like physical suffering, but it has a long-lasting effect on a person’s personal life. Individuals often recover through physical pain but not with emotional distress, like a driver who has experienced a traumatic accident and can’t drive again. 

            If the accident happened due to someone else’s negligence, the driver can sue for pain and suffering. Once the emotional distress is proven through medical evidence, the responsible party must compensate for the damages incurred.

            6. Worker Injury

            As an employee, it’s your right to have a workplace free from any hazards. Unfortunately, sometimes employers fail to meet this obligation, resulting in injuries to workers. In such situations, remember that the law is on your side.

            You can sue your employer to compensate for the damages. The employer is responsible for providing medical treatment, temporary disability benefits, lifetime pension in case of permanent disability, and death benefits to the family if the employee loses their life.

            7. Property Damage 

            If your property is damaged due to the wrongdoing of others, you can take legal action against the responsible person and ask for compensation. The compensation amount will depend on various circumstances. 

            For example, insurers consider factors such as the extent of your responsibility for the damage, the severity of the damage, the cost of damage, and state laws. They also assess whether the property is repairable; if it is, you may receive funds to cover the repair costs.

            8. Permanent Disability 

            Permanent disability occurs when a person is unable to work full-time after an unfortunate accident. This condition can significantly impact one’s ability to work and earn enough to maintain a quality lifestyle. 

            If this has happened, you can file lawsuits for compensation for permanent disability. The responsible party will be liable to pay for the medical bills, surgeries, hospital stays, and loss of income (according to the wages at the time of injury). 

            9. Car Accident 

            Car accident lawsuits are quite common in almost every state.  These lawsuits are filed when someone can’t reach an agreement with the insurer of the at-fault party. In this situation,  the plaintiff takes the case to the court. 

            Then, the court decides which party was responsible for the accident and whether the compensation the plaintiff is seeking is valid. If it is, the responsible party will be required to provide it.

            10. Defective Product 

            Any product available on the market should be safe for customers. If there’s any product that has harmed you or the family member as a victim, you’re entitled to compensation and can file a lawsuit.  

            However, you must have proof to prove your suffering was because of the product. For example, you need a medical report that shows you suffered from a health condition or an injury. Once the claim is proven, the manufacturer will be liable to provide compensation. 

            What Are The 5 Steps To Initiate A Lawsuit?

            Now let’s come to another point which is what are the main steps to initiate a lawsuit. But before you begin with this process, ensure you’ve consulted your case with a lawyer. This is to make sure you’re on the right path from the beginning. 

              • Hire a lawyer: The first step in initiating a lawsuit after consultation is to hire a lawyer. It’s best to hire a lawyer experienced in the area of your case. For example, if your case is related to personal injury, ensure you hire an experienced personal injury lawyer.
              • Gather evidence: The next step is to discuss the evidence with the lawyer. Your lawyer will guide you on the evidence needed to prove your claim and how you can gather it.
              • Meet the requirements: Every state has laws regarding filing lawsuits. For example, you can’t file for personal injury lawsuits after a specific timeframe. Make sure you meet these requirements before taking legal action.
              • File a complaint: Now, the fourth and most important step is filing a complaint. If you’ve hired a lawyer, this task will be their responsibility. The legal process begins once the complaint is filed, which includes discovery and trial.
              • Proceed with case: After filing the case, the trial process begins, which takes time. During this process, your lawyer will represent you in court and present the evidence to secure compensation for the damages.

            Final Thoughts

            We’ve provided a list of reasons to sue someone, and all of these reasons are valid for lawsuits. However, you must consider the potential outcomes before taking any legal action. It’s also important to assess whether you have strong grounds for your case.

            Once you’re sure you have reasons to proceed with the lawsuit, follow the guidelines your lawyer has provided. If you need assistance, feel free to consult with our lawyers at McCrary Law Firm. The initial consultation is completely free of charge.

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              Blogs Car Accident

              Why Do Rear-End Car Crashes Happen? 6 Key Causes Explained!

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              Why Do Rear-End Car Crashes Happen? 6 Key Causes Explained!

              By  Dan McCrary | May 13, 2024

              If you’re wondering what the main cause of a rear-end car crash is, you’ve come to the right place! A rear-end car accident can be quite dangerous to both the driver of the rear car and the front car. The passenger of the front car also faces serious injuries. 

              These injuries include whiplash (neck injury), fractures, back injuries, or, in worse cases, brain injuries. In this type of situation, finding the reason behind the accident and who was at fault becomes a daunting task.

              Without knowing the reason behind the rear-end car crash, you wouldn’t be able to file lawsuits. This is why it’s important to know the main cause of the accident, which driver was responsible for, and what the right action to take after an accident is. 

              6 Main Causes of Rear-End Car Crash

              Below are the six main causes of rear-end car crashes. With these causes, you can easily get an overall understanding of why the accident occurs.

              1. Drunk Driving

              Drunk driving is one of the most common reasons behind accidents. There are about 37 people who die every day in the United States due to drunk driving. It’s because alcohol affects decision-making abilities, blurs the vision, and reduces reaction time.

              All of the side effects of alcohol increase the chances of an accident. The reduction in reaction time means the brain doesn’t process activities faster, affecting decision-making abilities and leading to accidents.

              2. Distracted Driving 

              Distracted driving is a term used for driving while involved in other activities. For example, using the mobile phone, talking to someone in the car, thinking about your office day, eating while driving, and so forth.

              Any activity that can divert your attention from the road and the car to other things will be considered the reason for distracted driving. The lack of situational awareness prevents drivers from noticing the front car, resulting in dangerous rear-end car crashes

              3. Overspeeding

              Overspeeding is a significant factor behind car crashes. In 2022, about 29% of traffic fatalities happened because of overspeeding. High speed reduces reaction time, making it harder for the driver to respond to unexpected situations.

              Besides that, a faster car requires more time and distance to come to a complete stop, increasing the likelihood of rear-end car crashes. This type of accident also results in severe injuries because of the great impact force of the car.

              4. Driver Fatigue

              Driving requires a healthy and mentally alert individual. Otherwise, the situation can be a lot worse. In the driving profession, an unfortunate situation not only puts the driver at risk but also the passengers and all the other cars on the road.

              This is why recognizing driver fatigue is crucial. Fatigued drivers experience a loss of control over their bodies and cars; they can’t focus on the road and make decisions immediately like in case a car suddenly appears in front of them.

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              5. Not Following Traffic Rules

              Not following traffic rules is also a big reason behind rear-end car crashes. The rules are made to protect all drivers and their cars from dangerous collisions. However, most of the time, drivers neglect these safety rules.

              For instance, one rule that causes rear-end car crashes is Tailgating. It’s a situation when the rear driver drives too close to the front car, resulting in an accident when the front car stops suddenly.

              6. Mechanical Failure

              Mechanical failures in cars, like faulty brakes, can cause major accidents. These mechanical problems aren’t limited to brakes but also include engine issues, tire problems, malfunctions in the car steering system, etc.

              Regardless of the issue, it’s the driver’s responsibility to follow a maintenance schedule and ensure the vehicle is in proper working condition. Regular maintenance checks can prevent accidents caused by mechanical failures.

              Who’s Responsible For The Damage of A Rear-End Car Crash?

              You might be exempt from liability if you’ve followed all traffic rules, like maintaining a safe distance, driving at the right speed, and weren’t distracted or drunk. However, in most cases, the responsible driver is always the driver of the rear car, but there are some exceptions.

              For example, you’re driving and have maintained a safe distance from the front car on the road. A third car driver saw that distance and came in front of your car, resulting in a rear-end car crash. In this case, the front car driver is responsible for the damage.

              Another example is a car at the front malfunctions and stops working while you are going fine on the road and an accident occurs. Remember, these instances are rare, and generally, the responsibility falls on the rear car driver.

              What Is The Right Action To Take In A Rear-End Collision?

              Don’t panic! This is the first step you need to take after a rear-end collision. It might seem difficult, but trust us, panic only makes the situation worse. Then follow the steps below:

              • Check for injuries

              Your health always comes first. So always check for injuries and see whether you can move your hands and legs. If you notice any serious injuries or drowsiness, seek medical help immediately.

              • Call the police

              Once you’re sure there are no injuries and can communicate properly, call the police. The police will come and examine the car crash scene to create a detailed report.

              • Take pictures

              Don’t just rely on police report evidence. Document the car crash with your mobile camera, take pictures, and record some videos. If possible, write every detail, like how the accident happened, in the notepad so you can share it with the insurer and car accident lawyer.

              • Share contact details

              Lastly, share contact details with the other driver and ask for their phone number and email address as well. This will ensure both parties can contact each other to discuss the cost of damages.

              Final Thoughts

              The main cause of rear-end car crashes varies but, in general, there are six reasons. For instance, drunk driving, distracted driving, overspeeding, driver fatigue, not following traffic rules on the road, and mechanical failure in the car.

              These reasons show who was at fault while driving. For example, if the front car driver wasn’t following traffic rules and was drunk, they have to bear the responsibility for the collision.

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                Blogs Car Accident

                Who Is Responsible For Paying For A Rental Car After An Accident In Northern California?

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                Who Is Responsible For Paying For A Rental Car After An Accident In Northern California?

                By  Dan McCrary | May 9, 2024

                The cost of repairing a damaged car can easily break the bank, especially if it’s a rental car. Drivers usually buy insurance for their car but not always for the rental car. So, who is responsible for paying for a rental car in North California after an accident?

                Rest assured! We have answers for you. In simple words, whoever is at fault for the accident, whether you or the other driver, will pay for the damages. If both parties share the blame, then the cost of damage will be divided among both parties.

                Below, we’ll discuss this topic in more detail and provide answers about how much rental reimbursement coverage costs and whether you need to add it to your insurance. So, let’s find out the answers!

                What Happens If You’re At Fault In The Rental Car Accident?

                The short answer is that you’ll be responsible for paying for the rental car damage caused by the accident. Since it was your fault, the other driver isn’t bound to share any of the car repair costs and you’ll have to pay for the damage.

                But how you’ll pay entirely depends on your situation. If you have insurance coverage, your insurance company will pay for the repair, including rental reimbursement. However, you’ll have to pay out of pocket if this isn’t the case.

                What If Other Driver Is At Fault In The Rental Car Accident?

                If the other driver is at fault in the rental car accident, they’ll have to bear the expenses of car damage. In most cases, they can involve their insurance company, which will provide them with the compensation amount.

                If they do not have an insurance policy, they must pay the cost themselves. If someone fails to cover the damage they’ve caused, the no-fault driver can sue the at-fault driver and take the case to court.

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                What If Both Drivers Are At Fault In The Rental Car Accident?

                Typically, when both drivers are at fault in an accident, the insurance company assigns liability to each driver based on their fault. For example, one driver might be found 60% at fault while the other driver is 40% at fault.

                According to the evidence, the driver who is 60% at fault will compensate for 60% of the damages compared to the other driver’s 40% fault. However, it’s important to note that this example may not be applicable in some states, like Florida.

                Florida operates as a modified comparative negligence state. This means that a driver who is 51% liable for a car accident cannot seek compensation from other parties, even if they share the remaining 49% of the fault in the accident.

                Hence, it’s best to research whether your state follows pure comparative negligence laws or modified comparative negligence laws. For instance, California operates as a pure comparative negligence state, allowing drivers to collect damages even if they are 70% at fault.

                Do You Need Rental Car Insurance In North California?

                Insurance coverage for rental cars isn’t required in Northern California, but it’s highly recommended for a safe future. All drivers are only required to have liability car insurance, which covers:

                • $15,000 for injury/death to one person.
                • $30,000 for injury/death to more than one person.
                • $5,000 for property damage.

                Liability insurance does not cover the cost of car repairs. However, if you use a credit card to rent the car, you may have coverage—though it’s best to check with your credit card company to confirm.

                Personal car insurance policies often cover car damages but do not cover costs if the rental car is used for business purposes. Therefore, adding rental reimbursement coverage to your insurance policy protects you.

                Rental Reimbursement Coverage Cost

                On average, you may have to pay $25 to $100 yearly for the Rental reimbursement coverage. With this coverage, the insurance company will pay for car damage if you’re at fault, ensuring peace of mind.

                Final Thoughts

                To sum up, the at-fault party, whether you or the other driver, will pay for a rental car in North California after an accident. The at-fault party driver will contact their insurance company, and they'll cover the damage cost if the rental reimbursement is included in the coverage.

                If the insurance company or the driver isn't agreeable to paying for the rental car expenses, you can take legal action by taking the issue to court. You can contact McCrary Law Firm for expert guidance and representation during this challenging time.

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                  Blogs Uber or Lyft

                  How To Get A Driver’s License In California? Easy 3-Step Guide!

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                  How To Get A Driver’s License In California? Easy 3-Step Guide!

                  By  Dan McCrary | April 18, 2024

                  Getting a driver’s license is the first step toward adulthood. It means you’re ready to explore the world yourself. But the main question is, how do you get a driver’s license in California? Rest assured, all answers are included in this guide.

                  California has two main categories of driving licenses: commercial and non-commercial. Most young people need non-commercial licenses, and we’ll explain their requirements and step-by-step process.

                  We’ll explain the process of obtaining a driving license, from the basic requirements to the last step. You’ll also get answers about how you can obtain a driving license as a foreigner in California. Let’s get started!

                  Steps To Get A Driver’s License In California

                  Here’s the step-by-step guide to obtaining a driver’s license in California. But before we begin, ensure you’re 15 ½ years old, have proof of citizenship/residence, and permission from parents as they’ll sign the application and pay the fee.

                  Step #1: Diving Education

                  The first step to getting a driver’s license in California starts with driving education. This education is a must for teenagers aged between 15½ and 17½. Individuals who’ve hit 18 can skip the education part and jump straight to the permit test.

                  The driving education includes 25 hours of classroom education and about 6 hours of behind-the-wheel training, which prepares you for the permit test. This permit test is quite important as it decides whether you’re ready to drive practically under supervision.

                  Step #2: Obtain A Learner Permit

                  The knowledge gained from driving classes will prepare you for the written permit test. The test will consist of around 46 questions, with a passing score of at least 38. Failing means waiting a week for another attempt.

                  After passing the test, you’ll have to complete 50 hours of supervised driving training, which includes 10 hours of night driving. You may also have to drive 6 hours with a certified instructor (only if you haven’t received a driving education).

                  Once you meet all the requirements, including test, practical, and classroom training, you’ll receive a learner permit.

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                  Step #3: Take A Driving Test

                  With your learner permit, you must drive for six months. Afterward, you’ll be all set to take a driving test for the license, but before you do this, make sure you meet two requirements.

                  • Firstly, book an appointment for the driving test.
                  • Secondly, you must have insurance that exceeds California’s coverage requirements.

                  Upon passing the driving test, you’ll receive a temporary driving license valid for sixty days. This temporary permit allows you to drive until you receive your permanent one, which typically arrives within three to four weeks.

                  Note: If you fail the driving test, you must wait 14 days and pay a $7 fee for the next attempt.

                  Can A Non-US Illegal Citizen Get A Driver’s License In California?

                  Yes, a non-US citizen who is not legal in the country can obtain a driver’s license (AB 60 driver’s license) in California, but certain requirements must be met. To get the driver’s license, you must provide:

                  • Provide proof of residence in California (such as a rent/lease agreement, mortgage bill, or employment documents).
                  • Pay the non-refundable application fee.
                  • Pass the knowledge test and provide a thumbprint scan.

                  If you meet these requirements, you can obtain a driver’s license in California. Simply apply for the license, complete the required education, obtain a learner’s permit, and take the driving test like any other US citizen.

                  How Do You Check If Your License Is Suspended In California?

                  Your driving license can be suspended for various reasons, such as receiving tickets or being arrested. Regardless of the cause, you should always stay informed about your license status to protect yourself from hefty fines. Here’s how you can do it:

                  • Visit the official website of the DMV.
                  • Create an account to access your driving record.
                  • Pay a $2 fee to view and print your driving record.

                  If your license is suspended, its status will be shown on the driving record. The $2 fee is not a one-time payment; you must pay it each time you download your driving record.

                  Getting Driver License In California: Final Words

                  To obtain a driver’s license in California, you must first complete driving education, then secure a learner permit and complete 50 hours of supervised driving training. Afterward, you have to pass the driving test.

                  The process is the same for non-US illegal citizens. The main difference is that they have to prove their identity and residence in California using various documents. If they succeed, they can obtain an AB 60 driver’s license.

                  For more help with any legal issues related to driver’s licenses, contact our McCrary Law Firm. We can arrange a consultation with one of our experienced lawyers, who will provide guidance and solutions tailored to your needs.

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                    Blogs Truck Accident

                    5 Regulations Truck Drivers Must Follow

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                    5 Regulations Truck Drivers Must Follow

                    By  Dan McCrary | April 16, 2024

                    Truck driving is undeniably a challenging profession, with thousands of accidents involving truck drivers occurring each year. According to a 2021 survey, there were approximately 523,796 accidents involving truck drivers, which is a significant number.

                    Most of the time, these accidents occur due to truck drivers failing to adhere to safety rules and regulations. Given the size and weight of commercial trucks, collisions can result in severe consequences for other vehicles, sometimes even death.

                    To avoid such situations, truck drivers must follow safety regulations. In this article, we’ll explain what are the specific regulations truck drivers must follow and the potential consequences of non-compliance. Let’s dive into the details!

                    5 Truck Regulations To Ensure Safe Driving Conditions

                    Here are some truck rules and regulations to ensure safety conditions. These are the most basic criteria to follow. As you add more points, your trip will be more safe. 

                    1. Maintenance of Truck

                    The first point for safe driving is taking care of the truck’s maintenance. If you work for a company, they are typically responsible for inspecting brakes, engines, tires, and other components, but it’s advisable to conduct your pre-trip inspections for minor issues.

                    However, if you work independently, maintaining the truck is your responsibility. Any accident that happens due to not maintaining the truck’s condition will be your responsibility, which can result in severe consequences.

                    2. Consider Weather Conditions

                    Weather conditions are the second important point to ensure safe driving conditions as it significantly impacts driving. The worse the weather is, the more you have to face difficulties. This is why it’s essential to prepare for your trip by checking the weather forecast beforehand.

                    Pack an emergency toolkit tailored to the conditions; for instance, include extra gloves, a flashlight, and jackets for snowy conditions. Adjust your driving according to the weather; drive slower in the rain, use marker lights in fog, and adapt your driving to snowy conditions.

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                    3. 14-Hour Rule For Truck Drivers

                    A common reason why accidents happen is because of the lack of sleep. Due to the harsh conditions of the job, truck drivers work more and sleep only a few hours. Companies also put a lot of burden on drivers; this is why the government has implemented the 14-hour rule.

                    According to this rule, property-carrying truck drivers should not drive after 14 consecutive hours on duty. A mandatory 10-hour break is required for rest, and a 30-minute break is necessary after 8 hours of driving.

                    4. Check Road Conditions & Drive Safe

                    Don’t forget to consider the road conditions before heading out to your destinations. Check the Google map to choose the best road and traffic conditions or to identify road closures due to construction.

                    While driving, it’s best to maintain space with other vehicles. If you see a car beside your truck, slow down to avoid any collision. Always ensure to give signals to other drivers while making turns, changing the lanes. The more you’ll be cautious the safer you’ll be and other drivers.

                    5. Cargo Safety

                    Cargo safety is often overlooked but is crucial for road safety. Some companies overload trucks without considering load balance,  which is extremely dangerous for everyone around you on the road.

                    To prevent accidents caused by cargo, use high-quality equipment like heavy-duty tie-downs and anchor points. Ensure the cargo weight does not exceed the truck’s capacity to maintain safety on the road.

                    What Happens When Truck Drivers Violate Regulations?

                    The consequences for violating regulations vary based on the severity of the violation. For instance, drivers may face hefty fines and suspension from duty for a specified period as punishment for breaking the rules.

                    In cases involving serious accidents caused by the truck driver’s negligence, the penalties can be severe. In 2023, a truck driver was sentenced to two years in jail following a crash that resulted in the death of a couple in South St. Paul.

                    Final Words

                    There are many regulations a truck driver has to follow to ensure the safety of their vehicle and other road users, including themselves. Neglecting any of the rules can lead to hefty fines and even jail sentences.

                    If you believe your company is pressuring you to drive beyond the 14-hour limit or overload cargo beyond capacity, consult with our lawyers. They can guide you on the options available to hold the company accountable for compromising safety.

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