2. Assist Determining Settlement Amount
Personal injury lawyers also help determine how much compensation you should seek in a settlement. They carefully examine all the details of your case, such as medical records, car repair bills, and hospital records.
After reviewing every aspect of your case, lawyers provide advice on the appropriate amount to request as compensation. Lawyers ensure that the claim is neither excessive nor insufficient but accurately reflects what you’ve lost.
3. Negotiate On Your Behalf
In almost every personal injury case, the other party’s lawyer or the insurance agent proposes settlement offers, which isn’t a problem if the offer is fair. The issue with these initial offers is they tend to be the bare minimum.
Insurers or lawyers may attempt to shift blame to you or claim the settlement amount is unreasonable. This is where having a lawyer can help as they’ll negotiate on your behalf based on evidence and secure a fair settlement.
4. Help Gathering Evidence
One of the biggest challenges for accident victims who want to represent themselves in court without hiring a lawyer is gathering evidence. Not everyone knows which evidence can be helpful in the case and how to collect it effectively.
However, with a lawyer by your side, this hurdle becomes much easier to overcome. Lawyers have the expertise to identify the types of evidence important to your case, whether it involves obtaining CCTV footage, capturing post-accident photos, or securing witness statements.
5. Present Your Case Professionally
After guiding you through the legal process, determining the settlement amount, and gathering evidence, personal injury lawyers also present your case in court. This is a crucial aspect of their role, as it influences your chances of winning the case.
It’s an important process because the opposing party will also have legal representation advocating on their behalf. If you don’t have a lawyer, your claim may be vulnerable to counterarguments, which will potentially weaken your case.
6. Peace of Mind For Accident Victims
The last and most important reason to hire a lawyer for a personal injury case is for peace of mind. Having a lawyer by your side means you won’t have to worry about the legal process anymore. Your lawyer will always be there to provide guidance and support.
Many lawyers in Northern California operate on a contingency basis, adding to your peace of mind. This means you don’t have to concern yourself about paying upfront fees. Instead, your lawyer will receive a percentage of the settlement amount (only if they win your case).